Raymond is an experienced developer evangelist and advocate. He focuses on APIs, AI, the web platform, and enterprise cat demos.
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I've been a fan of serverless for quite some time. My introduction to it was OpenWhisk, way back in 2016. It's been appealing to me for a long time as an easy way to deploy lightweight services quickly. As much as I've been a fan of the technology, I've yet to really embrace Amazon's Lambda product. I've played with it a bit off and on in the past, but it always felt incredibly overwhelming. Netlify Functions, Pipedream, and Cloudflare Workers have been my main tools for serverless just because of how simple they are. That being said, the last few days I've been playing with BoxLang on AWS and thought I'd share my experience.
development serverless boxlang
Last year I had the opportunity to give a talk on the web platform's Intl specification. This made me incredibly happy because in preparing for the presentation, I discovered so many cool features and capabilities of the spec that I had no idea existed. Almost a year ago, I wrote up a blog post on Intl.RelativeTimeFormat, talking about how the API was easy to use, but perhaps a bit difficult when dealing when determining the best values to use when formatting dynamic dates. Today, I'm going to turn my attention to a related spec, Intl.DurationFormat
The last week or so I've been playing with a new language, which honestly is one of the most fun things I get to do. BoxLang is a dynamic scripting language that runs on the JVM although you don't really need to know a thing about Java to make use of it. It's currently in beta and moving towards an official 1.0 release, but you can absolutely kick the tires on it now (as I have!) and I thought I'd share a bit about what I'm doing with it.
development boxlang
In my last Links For You post, there was snow outside from a completely unusual snow storm down here in Louisiana. Two weeks later, my AC is running and I'm near back to wearing shorts again. Sigh. I've said it before and will say it again, I cannot wait to get out of the south. With those complaints out of the way, let's get to the links!
misc links4you
Let me preface this blog post with a very clear and direct message. Do not do what I did. This is a bad use of generative AI. This is pure silliness with no real practical value whatsoever. This is a really, really, bad idea. But it was fun as hell, so here goes.
development generative ai python
The last two sessions of my live stream, Code Break, have been really interesting, at least to me anyway. I've been discussing generative AI with Google Gemini and building a relatively simple example while doing so - a resume review and revisement system. This started off pretty simply with a Python script and then iterated into a proper Flask app. I thought it would be fun to document the code here a bit and share it with those who couldn't make the streams. If you would rather just watch the recordings, I've got them embedded at the bottom. Feel free to skip to that.
development generative ai python
Earlier this year, no, wait, last year (time is kinda crazy), I wrote up the process of automating background removal using Adobe's Firefly Services. This post described a Pipedream workflow that monitored a Dropbox folder and...
development python cloudinary
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