Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

So - I've been dropping hints left and right over the past few weeks about a "secret project" that I've been working on, and today I finally get to announce it. Please say hello to RIAForge.org. What is RIAForge?

RIAForge is a place to host open source projects built with Adobe technologies - from ColdFusion applications to Photoshop plugins to Flash ActionScript libraries.

What I really like about the site is that you can use it as much or as little as you want. As an open source author, you can simply list your project and point to the resources you already have. But what if you don't already have a web site?

RIAForge offers:

You can pick and choose which, if any, services you need. The site is still going under a bit of development, so you will definitely see a rough edge or two. (Firefox users, see PS at bottom.) But check it out - and if you have code to share, PLEASE post your project.

This site is Adobe supported and was the brainchild of Ben Forta. I did the primary development work with a lot of help and support from others, including Brian Rinaldi and Rob Gonda (SVN support is all from Rob, and will be a hosted project shortly.)

p.s. Firefox users: You may see a "white screen" when saving edits to your project. This is a known issue and is being worked on.