Raymond is an experienced developer evangelist and advocate. He focuses on APIs, AI, the web platform, and enterprise cat demos.

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Using Java Libraries in BoxLang

One of the aspects that makes BoxLang compelling is that it runs on top of the Java Virtual Machine which means you get access to any Java library out there. This is something ColdFusion has as well and in the past, I've integrated Java libraries into my web apps to make use of open source from the Java community. Best of all, you don't really need any Java knowledge to do this. Typically libraries will provide good docs and and examples and the mental model of translating a Java example to BoxLang's language is fairly simple. A few days ago, I blogged an example of parallel processing in BoxLang and in one of the samples, I did a tiny bit of RSS feed processing. I mentioned at the time that I wasn't doing "real" RSS parsing, just quickly grabbing XML items from the feed. I decided to see if I could find a Java library for "real" parsing and see how difficult it would be to use in BoxLang. Here's what I found.

Using Parallel Looping in BoxLang

Last week I wrote about converting a Python file search script to BoxLang. In that post (and the original Python version) I mentioned how the utility wasn't terribly efficient as it needed to recreate an index every time it ran. Despite this, the performance was pretty good, taking about two seconds or so to generate the file index from near seven thousand Markdown files. Right after I shared that post, Luis Majano shared an interesting performance tweak I had missed.

Links For You (2/22/25)

Happy Link Day... oh wait, that isn't a thing? Well, let's pretend it is. Those of us in Louisiana are in Mardi Gras season with the holiday itself coming up on March 4th. If the weather holds out, we'll be outside catching beads and listening to marching bands. It can be a lot of fun if it doesn't get rained out. It's also a great chance to eat some really bad (for you but yummy) food. I'll share a pic or two on the next edition of this post. Ok, on with the links!

Building a File Search Script in BoxLang

My initial blog post on BoxLang used a simple script example to demonstrate how the language can be used to build shell script type utilities and it got me thinking about other ways I could use BoxLang for my own personal tools. A little over three years ago, I blogged about a Python script I built to perform searches, locally, against my blog. My blog content comes from near seven thousand Markdown files and while I've got a good client-side search feature, I was curious what I could from the terminal.

Building a Web App with BoxLang

I've been building web apps for thirty years now, which frankly is kind of scary to see explicitly spelled out. For a large chunk of that time I built web apps using an application server, ColdFusion, where my templates would dynamically output HTML (or other formats like JSON) to return to the browser. For my non-ColdFusion readers out there, you can just replace ColdFusion with PHP or ASP and you get the basic idea.

Building Serverless Lambda Functions with BoxLang

I've been a fan of serverless for quite some time. My introduction to it was OpenWhisk, way back in 2016. It's been appealing to me for a long time as an easy way to deploy lightweight services quickly. As much as I've been a fan of the technology, I've yet to really embrace Amazon's Lambda product. I've played with it a bit off and on in the past, but it always felt incredibly overwhelming. Netlify Functions, Pipedream, and Cloudflare Workers have been my main tools for serverless just because of how simple they are. That being said, the last few days I've been playing with BoxLang on AWS and thought I'd share my experience.

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