Raymond is a developer evangelist for Adobe. He focuses on APIs, AI, the web platform, and enterprise cat demos.

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Custom Markers with Leaflet

As I continue to dig into Leaflet, I was recently asked about custom markers based on data, so for example, some locations for a store may use one icon while others use another. I did some digging, and while it turns out Leaflet has deep support for customizing markers, it does take a little bit of work. Here's what I found.

Using Geocoding with Leaflet

When I first started talking about Leaftlet, I mentioned how it was "only" a map library, and by that I mean, only able to present a view/wrapper around tiles representing map data. There's a heck of a lot of services that Google Maps, HERE, and so forth, add on top that won't be present, things like routing, geocoding, and more. Considering the fact that Leaflet is, again, "only" a client-side JavaScript library, that's just a fact of life. But I've been thinking about how I could integrate Leaflet with such services, and I thought I'd share a demo of just that - adding geocoding to Leaflet.

Links For You (9/28/24)

Hello dear readers. I wish I could say I've got a restful weekend in front of me, but today we're driving to New Orleans to pick up our eldest who has been in Germany for a year, and tomorrow we fly to Las Vegas for the Adobe ColdFusion Summit. Both are things I'm quite happy about, but it's going to be a lot. I'm currently sitting, drinking coffee, and watching "Grey's Anatomy", a good guilty-pleasure show.

Dynamically Showing and Hiding Markers in Leaflet

This was originally going to be an example of using Leaflet with Alpine.js, but while working on that demo I discovered an interesting aspect of Leaflet that was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be - hiding and showing markers. Here's how I approached the problem, and as always, if you know of a better way, leave me a comment below and share!

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