Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Minor Blog update: Modified the CSS a bit and added a 'media' section to the right hand corner. Unfortunately it's hard coded now. I'm going to use my getMisc/saveMisc tool for it to make it editable. (More on that later - but basically - it's a way to quickly add a 'region' to a page so you can edit the text - like the News section on the front page of cflib.org.)

Comments no longer display your email address, but I still ask for it so I can ping you on thread updates.

I didn't update the zip because these are both client updates, not core CFC updates.

Rob Brooks-Bilson has done some nice extending of my blog, and I plan on stealingborrowing from him for the next big update. The updates will improve the generateRSS method. I'll also be adding the ability to get full articles from my blog. That means you can read my blog from an aggregator and not have to worry about actually coming to the site.