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So, I have a friend who hosts a web site over at an ISP that will remain nameless for now. I've never used them as an ISP for my own sites, but from my experience with them, they are a pretty darn good host.

However, something happened today I felt I should warn others about. This is not meant to be an attack on them, but just to clear up a misconception they have - and others may have as well.

The ISP has a nice control panel that allows you to admistrate various aspects of your web site. One of things they allow for is the creation of CF Mappings. This is pretty nice since normally this requires CF Admin access. However, I noticed their UI didn't let me create a mapping to the web root for the web site. It only allows mappings to sub folders. When I questioned the ISP about it, they told me that when CF starts up, it reads all the files in a mapping and that a mapping to the web root could be a performance issue.

I'm not sure if others have heard this as well, but just so it is clear, this is not true. Mappings only work as an alias. The folders they point to will not be scanned upon CF startup.

p.s. The ISP is investigating this issue and promised to get back to me. As I said before, I have a good impression of this ISP so hopefully they will change their policy!