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I was working on a site today that is slowly wrapping up. One of the last things I needed to do was get the 404 page set up. In IIS, this means you need to tell IIS to check for script existance, otherwise CF will show you an ugly error.

So - I modified the settings and it worked fine... until my Flash developer let me know that all the Flash files on the site (the ones using remoting) weren't working. He was getting this error in his debugger: NetConnection.Call.BadVersion

I wasn't sure what it could be. I did some Googling - but didn't find anything. For the heck of it, I then tried to hit mysite/flashservices/gateway. Before CFMX7, you could use this as a way to test your Flash Remoting gateway. It doesn't work in CFMX7, but I tried it anyway. My custom 404 error page appeared so I knew then that it was related.

For the heck of it, I created a flashservices/gateway folder on the server - and remoting started working again.