I've finished the iCal CFC. The code has not been heavily tested, so use with care. Here is an example use of it:
<cffile action="read" file="#theFile#" variable="data">
<cfset ical = createObject("component","ical")>
<cfset results = ical.getEvents(data)>
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#arraylen(results)#">
<cfset eventData = results[x]>
<cfif not structKeyExists(eventData,"summary")>
<h2>Unnamed Event</h2>
<cfset startDate = ical.icalParseDateTime(eventData.dtstart.data)>
<cfif structKeyExists(eventData,"dtend")>
<cfset endDate = ical.icalParseDateTime(eventData.dtend.data)>
<cfelseif structKeyExists(eventData,"duration") and eventData.duration.data is not "P1D">
<cfset endDate = ical.icalParseDuration(eventData.duration.data,startdate)>
<cfset enddate = startdate>
#dateFormat(startDate,"mm/dd/yy")#<cfif dateFormat(startDate,"mm/dd/yy") neq dateFormat(endDate,"mm/dd/yy")> - #dateFormat(endDate,"mm/dd/yy")#</cfif><br>
<cfif structKeyExists(eventData,"description")>#eventData.description.data#</cfif>
As you can see - there is one main method, getEvents, that will parse the events from an iCal string. (iCal also supports "TODO"s I believe, and I'll look into adding support for that later.) I've also added a few supporting functions. iCalParseDateTime will parse the datetime strings in iCal files. iCalParseDuration will translate the duration value by adding it to a passed in date (such as the starting date).
You can download the code here.