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If you need to check for a key in a Verity collection, here is a simple UDF for it: (Something tells me there may be an even easier way.)
<cffunction name="keyExists" returnType="boolean" output="false"
hint="Checks to see if a key exists in a Verity collection.">
<cfargument name="collection" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="key" type="string" required="true">
<cfset var junk = "">
<cfsearch collection="#arguments.collection#" criteria="cf_key <MATCHES> #arguments.key#" name="junk">
<cfreturn junk.recordCount is 1>
Example: <cfoutput>#keyExists("somecollection","businesses_2999")#</cfoutput>
hint="Checks to see if a key exists in a Verity collection.">
<cfargument name="collection" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="key" type="string" required="true">
<cfset var junk = "">
<cfsearch collection="#arguments.collection#" criteria="cf_key <MATCHES> #arguments.key#" name="junk">
<cfreturn junk.recordCount is 1>
Example: <cfoutput>#keyExists("somecollection","businesses_2999")#</cfoutput>
Note - this will throw an error if you pass a bad collection, but that's good though.