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(Sorry Sean for stealing your title.) Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out the feedback forms at CFUNITED concerning my presentation. In general, the feedback on my custom tags presentation was very high. I had 2 comments I'd like to address. One person suggested I focus a bit more on the scopes. I tend to think the scopes involves with custom tags are simple - but for folks who are new to them, a summary slide at the end would probably be a good idea. The second comment is a bit more difficult. The person made the point that I spent the entire presentation talking about the cf_ format of custom tags, but then mentioned cfmodule and said I never use the cf_ style. That is true. I'm not sure what the answer is. I don't want to overwhelm folks with cfmodule in what is a beginners-style presentation, at the same time, maybe I should think more about how I present it.

The scores on my Verity presentation were much more lower, however. I still think I averaged around 4.0, which makes me happy, but it was a new presentation for me so I definitely have room for improvement. (In fact, I'm hoping to be giving it again soon for Macromedia.) The number one thing that people "dinged" me on was taking too many questions. I agree. Point taken and I'll try to watch out for that next time. One person said I wasn't knowledgeable enough about the topic. Well - Verity is a pretty big subject matter - there is a lot more than what is exposed in CF. I admit to not knowing it all - but I do hope I was able to answer most folks questions.

Either way - good feedback everyone, I appreciate it, and I hope to see an even bigger crowd at CFUNITED 2006!