So, a few years ago I was bored. Really bored. I decided to write a BASIC interperter in ColdFusion. It would allow for stuff like this:
20 x = 10
30 if X > 5 THEN goto 60
40 println "x is less than 5"
50 goto 100
60 println "x is more than 5"
110 if x > 5 then x = 2
115 print "x is "
120 println x
130 if x == 3 then println "Yes x is 1<P>"
150 if x > -1 then println "its 0 or higher"
160 x = -2
170 if x < 0 then println "it is negative"
Why did I do this? As I said - I was bored. This is a completely dumb thing to code. That being said, it was fun. :) I have no formal training in writing computer languages, so this is far from perfect, but for those who want to take a look, you can download the code here. Please forgive the upper-case code. I was delusional a few years ago and thought that made for good code writing. The only slightly cool thing about this code is - the core of BASIC was done so that you could add a new feature by writing a UDF. So for example, here is how "print" was done:
// currently we only support printing a string or a var function cfb_print(arg) {
// strings must be " " if(left(arg,1) IS """" AND right(arg,1) IS """" and len(arg) gt 2) WriteOutput(Mid(arg,2,Len(Arg)-2));
//ok, try to find it in the temp scope if(structKeyExists(CODETEMP,arg)) WriteOutput(CODETEMP[arg]);
The idea was - any UDF with "cfb_" in front was considered a BASIC function. Here is another example, my favorite:
function cfb_rem(arg) {
return false;