Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

For those who are worried (or just curious), Hurricane Katrina should be a bit to the east of where I live (Lafayette). They are calling for winds around 20-30 MPH with gusts up to 60. Even with that though we are on the "good" site so I'm not too worried.

What worry me is electricity. We tend to lose like a third-world country, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm off the grid for a day, maybe even more. Just want folks to know in case I don't respond to mail, Ask a Jedi questions, etcetera etcetera.

On the other hand - today is probably the hottest day of the year. I think it's around 140 degrees or so. Thank God for air coditioning.