Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

I've been running the "Ask a Jedi" series for a few weeks now, and I think it is working great. A while back I asked about ways I could improve the site/blog/everything a bit more. One of the suggestions was a forum. I think this could be nice as I don't always have time to answer folks, and, since there is a small community of readers growing here, maybe we can help each other? There are other forums out there, and excellent listservers like cf-talk, but, if folks do want to discuss things here in a more formal manner (comments are nice, but get a bit long winded), I've added a new conference to my Galleon install. It is nice and vague "ColdFusion / General Questions." If folks use it, and traffic is signficant, I'll look into subdividing things a bit more. Thoughts?