Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got
an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me
on LinkedIn.
A small update, but with one important fix. Here are the changes:
- /client/index.cfm: Two fixes to allow title to work right on single entry pages
- /client/editor.cfm: fix with <more/> issue. You are no longer allowed to have <more/> in the beginning.
- /org/camden/blog/blog.cfc: Two case issues with mysql
- /client/stats.cfm: ditto above
Thanks to Steven Erat for pointing out some of those bugs, and helping me get my local CF server running again after I switched to JRun. (I must never do that again. -shudder-) Also thanks to Jacob Munson for a few finds as well.
As always, you can download BlogCFC from the project page. I did not update the version number. I'll probably wait until a new feature is added before changing the version.