Steve asks:
I hate to bug you with a question, but I am at a loss. I have a database with 200K records and one of the columns contains a string of 0-30 characters that represent 0-15 pairs. I need to find a way to separate these into some form of list and then count the number of instances of a given pair. I am "sure" there is a way to dump this into an Array or Struct, but I still don't have a grasp of how to use these.Can you think of an "easy" way to do this with CF?
Hey, everything is easy in ColdFusion! (Ok, so maybe I'm a little bit biased.) This almost seems like a perfect Friday Puzzler, but I already have one in mind, so let's look at a simple solution for this.
His database contains a column that looks like this:
Each two characters represents one pair. What he wanted then was a structure containing each pair along with the number of times it shows up in the string. Here is a simple UDF, and test code, to demonstrate this:
<cfset str = "01333910394828013392948281">
<cffunction name="getPairStats" returnType="struct" output="true">
<cfargument name="pairStr" type="string" required="true">
<cfset var result = structNew()>
<cfset var x = "">
<cfset var pair = "">
<!--- must be pairs --->
<cfif len(arguments.pairStr) mod 2 is not 0>
<cfthrow message="Avast ye matey! This string is not an even set of pairs!">
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#len(arguments.pairStr)#" step="2">
<cfset pair = mid(arguments.pairStr, x, 2)>
<cfif not structKeyExists(result, pair)>
<cfset result[pair] = 0>
<cfset result[pair] = result[pair] + 1>
<cfreturn result>
<cfdump var="#getPairStats(str)#">
The UDF, getPairStats, accepts a string and returns a struct. It first does a sanity check to ensure that there is an even number of characters. If not, it throws an error using my special "Pirate-Mode(tm)" brand error handling. (Coming soon to BlogCFC5.) After that it is nothing more than a simple loop using step="2" to tell ColdFusion to skip over every other letter. I use Mid() to grab the pairs and then simply update a structure.