Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Lucas Sherwood sent in a nice little modification for CanvasWiki, Google Sitemap support. I've added this and updated the build. You can download Canvas from the project page.

Also - over the last few days I've had a few people talk to me about Canvas. I believe I told all of them that the main feature I wanted to add was a simple notification system when someone adds/edits a page. Silly me - I forgot I had added that already.

And lastly, on a completely unrelated note - I had gone to download Picasa today for my Mac and was sad to see it wasn't supported on the Mac yet. I had forgotten that the Mac ships with iPhoto. What a nice little application. I love the fact that you can export a slide show to Quicktime or DVD. That's pretty darn handy. I was going to complain that it's too bad that the web option is only for iLife, but I double checked and saw an export to Web Page option. Every day I love this little laptop more and more. (Now if I could just get CFE's RDS or FTP editing working...)