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The beta of CFEclipse 1.3 has been released. I'm very happy with this release since I was never able to get RDS working on my MacbookPro. The 1.3 release finally got FTP file exploring working for me. Here are the newest features, copied from the CFE web site:

  • Editor Toolbars: Now you have HomeSite++ like toolbars. More info over at Mark Drew's Blog
  • Enhanced Dictionary View: you can now view and sort functions and tags that are available in the Dictionary View. Double clicking on a tag will give you a dialog to enter the variables you want.
  • Edit this tag: You can now right click on a tag and edit a tag's attributes and view help on that tag.
  • Component Explorer View: This view shows you a drill down all the way to your components, where you can view functions and insert them into your code by right clicking on either a Component or a Function
  • Variable assistance: if you have declared variables in a tag such as cfparam or cfquery (as well as a number of other tags) they are now provided in the list of assitance variables.
  • Actual location of a file: this is now displayed on the lower status area when you open a file
  • Fixed access to FTP: with many FTP connections, if there wasnt a group edit mode on the file it was displaying as if it was read-only, this has been fixed.
  • Word Wrap: there is a new icon on the toolbar that allows you to word wrap your document.
  • Multiple Syntax Dictionaries: you can now choose which version of ColdFusion you are editing and you will get the appropiate syntax definitions and error checking.
  • Ctrl (or Apple) + Shift + M creates a comment, you can use the same function inside a comment to remove it.