Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Expect postings to be extremely slim this week as I'll be at CFUNITED starting tomorrow morning. This is assuming D.C. isn't under water tomorrow. (You would think with all that hot air...)

I'll try to blog from the conference when I can. Of course, now that I have a laptop that can last for hours and doesn't weigh two hundred pounds, I may actually blog a bit too much.

Anyway, I hope to see a lot of my readers. If you are a reader of this blog (or a user of cflib or the cookbook, stop by and tell me hello. I'll be the guy with the slightly red right eye. (Nah, it's really almost completely healed. Kinda.)

I'm going to see how many books I can bring in my suitcase, so assuming Delta doesn't lose it again, I'm hoping to give out a few books while I'm there.