Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Sorry for all the blog posts - but since folks won't be getting subscription emails, I almost feel like I should write more. Over on cf-talk there was a thread discussing ColdFusion training. I thought I'd chime in on the topic.

Now - let me be clear. My company offers ColdFusion training, so I'm probably biased. Ignoring that (everyone knows I'm no marketer, I can only be bought by my Amazon wishlist), I would wholehearted encourage folks to check out the Fast Track class. The class is intense. Back when I taught it (and it's been a few years) I remember being drained at the end of each day. The course is three days of training which is a perfect way to jump start your ColdFusion career. If you already know ColdFusion, you may want to consider the advanced class. But if you are looking to get formal training, or looking to help train coworkers, I'd recommend it.

More information may be found here.

I actually miss teaching the class. If anyone wants to come to Louisiana for some good food and ColdFusion training, drop me a line. It's not that hot. Really.