Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got
an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me
on LinkedIn.
So, in case it isn't yet quite obvious, I've changed the UI for the blog, and have upgraded to the latest version of BlogCFC. I am very about this for a few reasons:
- I love the liquid design. All my screens tend to be wide screen so I like how the content spreads out.
- I was often updating small files here and there on my site. Now with BlogCFC 5.1, I don't have to. I can use the pages and textblock features to do it via the web. It's called eating your own dog food, and you know what, it tastes good.
Unfortunately, my Subscriber list was 99% spammer. So I deleted the entire list. Sorry guys. I do ask that my loyal readers please re-sign up using the Subscribe pod to the right. You will have to confirm your subscription, but this is a one time change.