Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Yesterday I posted a query to see who would be interested in a presentation on Application.cfc. I got quite a response, so this morning I went ahead and formally scheduled the meeting.

It will be held on August 30th (a Wednesday) at 6PM Central.

I'm starting simple this time with an introduction to Application.cfc. Let me stress that this will be for beginners, but, after the basics are done it may evolve into more based on Q and A, etc. I just want to be clear to folks that I'm starting with a simple one to just test the waters.

If this works out - I will make it a regular event. I think I'd love to do Model-Glue again (I did a presentation on this a few months ago) as well as my Spry presentation for those who couldn't make the last one. (Speaking of which, I'm going to blog about how I do AJAX with Model-Glue sometime later in the week.)