Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

So - it looks like I screwed the pooch on the recording for my last ColdFusion Jedi User Group. I left the record button on and it created a huge 5 hour recording which seems to have bombed out Breeze. Adobe worked hard to help me fix it - but I think it is a lost cause.

So - I have an offer to make. If you missed the meeting and would like to see it, I'm willing to give it again as long as I can get 5 RSVPs. I would do it next Wednesday at 5 CST.

As for the next meeting - I can't do it the last Wednesday of the month as I'll be at MAX. How would folks feel about about Wednesday, November 1st? The meeting will be a followup to my last one on security and would focus on web application security. This is a presentation I've given many times, so you may have seen it before - but as I continue to find sites that don't follow some basic rules on protecting input points - it is still something folks need it seems.