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A reader sent me an interesting question today. He was building a REST based service and wanted to add authentication. He didn't want to use web server based security. He just wanted to know what username/password the remote person was passing in with their HTTP request.

The first thing he tried was getHTTPRequestData(). This is an interesting, although probably rarely used, function that returns information about the current request.

If you run this function on a request that had authentication information, you can actually see authorization data in the header, but it is not in a readable format.

So on a whim I tried something. On the page getting the request I added:

<cflogin> <cfdump var="#cflogin#"> </cflogin>

This was wrapped inside a cfsavecontent that was being stored to an HTML file so I could see the result. (Remember, I'm testing the result of someone POSTing, so I was firing the page that did the post.) Low and behold - the username and password were there!

I didn't expect it to work as I thought it would only work when the web server explicitly prompted for a username and password, but it seems like CFLOGIN works no matter what when the information is passed. (Of course, it also works if you pass in URL/Form vars with the name j_username and j_password.)

So - maybe CFLOGIN isn't as bad as I said. This is a pretty nice use for it.