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I was reading Robert Blackburn's article on Aptana (I'd link to the site, but I'm going to boycott the Sys-Con site until they remove that insane autoplaying Flash video). Robert makes a good point about how the project-focused Eclipse is hard for people to get used to. I know it bugged the heck out of me. I mean - I get the concept of why projects are better, but is it truly that crazy for Eclipse to just let you work with files when you need to? Anyway - one of the points that Robert makes is that Aptana has a file-based view. I wanted to point out that CFEclipse has it as well.

If you don't see it, go to Window/Show View/Other/CFML/File Explorer View.

This view lets you browse your local drives. It also lets you connect to FTP servers. In this regard it acts a lot like RDS.