Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Welcome to my first "State of the Forge" report - a simple update on the latest stats at RIAForge. I plan on doing this at the end of every month to keep folks in the know about how the site is doing.

First just the stats:

Total Active Projects: 167
Total Views: 416650
Total Downloads: 40375
Total Verified Users: 1330
Updates in past 24 hours: 8
Unique Logins in past 24 hours: 33
New users in past 24 hours: 10
Pageviews: Over 5,000 per day in February.

For the site in general - I've been working on a large addition (I won't say what, but as a hint, have you noticed how I'm trying to get Canvas shipped?) as well as general improvements here and there.