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The title says it all. Sorry for all the vague entries earlier. If you have been dying to get your hands on the newest version of ColdFusion, now is your chance:


Download it here, and discuss it here.

So obviously this is big, big news. Adobe has been talking about CF8 for a while now and showing some of the great features. Now that we can all talk about it. Now we can all play with it. So stop watching Letterman and download this baby now.

I plan on writing quite a few blog entries on CF8 over the next few weeks. While I encourage you to read the docs (you will be shocked at all the changes), please let me know what you would like to see here. I plan on talking about some of the "big ticket" items (Server Monitoring anyone?) as well as some of the small gems that folks may miss.

I can honestly say this is the best release yet. Shoot - even my install experience is much improved. (After answering questions, I counted around 40 seconds till CF was done installed.) While I am most definitely biased towards the language I love, I can't imagine a better time to be a ColdFusion developer.

ColdFusion is dying? Give me a break.

p.s. I'll be digging this article and I ask folks to help get it up on the Digg home page.