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So once again RIAForge has hit a big milestone: 250 Projects. Other stats of interest:

Total Views: 1130909
Total Downloads: 81450
Total Verified Users: 1889
Updates in past 24 hours: 15
Unique Logins in past 24 hours: 32
New users in past 24 hours: 8

The views/downloads stats refers to individual projects and I think that is quite amazing. By the way - I just checked and there were a few projects waiting for me - change 250 to 252.

By the way - one of the big complaints about ColdFusion is the lack of open source projects. I currently see 186 projects in the ColdFusion category at RIAForge. While they may pale compared to PHP, it is a good beginning and will only grow.

Now for the bad news. As my poor project owners know, Subversion has been broken for a few days now. I apologize for that. I'm working with Adobe to get the site moved as soon as possible, but there have been some delays. It may happen this week, or next week at the latest. During the move, there will be some downtime of course, but after that our issues with Subversion will go away.

Lastly, today I head out to Las Vegas. I'm leaving around 5 which is "Thunderstorm Time" in Louisiana during Spring/Summer. I've got 40 minutes to catch my flight in Texas. Shall we start the betting pool again on what will happen this time???