Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Before announcing the winner of my ColdFusion Newbie contest, I want to thank everyone who participated. I know that it was scary to send in your code and have the world look it over - pick at it - complain - etc. So thank you for submitting. To be honest, I was a bit worried when my last few contests had dwindling responses, so this going to be my last contest ever if the submissions didn't come in. Getting 10 good entries was great and I'm really happy I decided to try another contest. (Hopefully my readers agree.)

I also want to give a big thank you to my sponsors:

  • Teratech - Provided a free pass to CFUnited.
  • Adobe - Provided a free license for ColdFusion 8 Standard (once it is released of course).
  • Intergral for providing 2 licenses for Fusion-Reactor.
  • SoZo Hosting for providing one year of free ColdFusion hosting
  • Savvy Content Manager for providing a Savvy Content Manager 5 User License
  • House of Fusion for providing a yearly subscription to Fusion Authority Quaterly (the only ColdFusion print magazine out there, and the one you should be subscribed to if not!)

So - with that being said - let me also say that the winner is purely arbitrary. I'm willing to be argued with and even yelled at. To me - the point of this was to share and learn. So hopefully there are no hard feelings. The top winner will get the ColdFusion 8 license and the CFUNITED ticket. I'll then be sharing the other prizes amongst the other entrants.

And just who is our winner? Phillip Senn and Entry 10. I was pretty darn surprised by the professional level of this entry. From his documentation to the use of stored procs, it was just impressive all over the place. So congrats to Phill.

Entry 7 by Jon Stierman and Entry 1 by John Ramon were both very impressive as well. They will get the FR license.

The other prizes will be distributed randomly to the other contestants. I liked them all and want to give the rest of the group an equal chance to win. I'm also looking into getting a copy of the new WACK to you guys as well.

Again... thank you. Thank you - thank you - thank you everyone. Before people ask - I will indeed run another contest. But as this takes a lot of time, it will most likely be pretty late in the year.