Ok, I think I'm ready to release this baby, but I need a sanity check before I do so. Before downloading this release, please read the notes below. This is not intended for production, nor is it a good idea to apply this over existing Galleon Forums (I'll explain why in the notes). But if you want to give 2.0 a test drive, now is the time to do so.
So what does Galleon 2 have?
- New logo by Murat Kgirgin. Because I have the graphical skills of a drunk one handed mentally handicapped monkey, I made the poor guy do about 10 revs, so thank you Murat for dealing with me.
- New table system to handle stats. (See notes below.)
- Avatars. You can now upload an image for an avatar, or use your gravatar.
- You can now edit your settings in the Admin.
- BBML thanks to Depressed Press
- New security system. You can now make truly private conferences.
So now for the release notes. Read this carefully before downloading.
- The zip contains updated SQL scripts for MySQL and SQL Server. These are for new installs. The Access DB is not updated.
- There is no way to 'migrate' an old Galleon install, but that is what I'm working on next.
- When you set up security for a conference/forum, you want to explicitly set who has permission to edit. Right now it defaults to Everyone.
- In terms of Security, "Everyone" means any person, BUT, they must be logged in. So if a forum has Write access Everyone, it doesn't mean non-authenticated users can post. Basically - security begins after you are logged in. (Or should, if not, let me know.)
Please post bug reports here - but read the comments first so as to not duplicate.