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I'm a bit late reporting this, but it looks like the new Adobe Developer Connection site has launched. I have to say - I'm not quite sure what I think about the UI. But it is definitely new and unique - I'll give it lots of credit for that.

It also looks like you can sign up for the site. Benefits include:

* ADC IntroNetwork – A social network just for developers Find other developers by technology and product expertise. Connect with other professionals to find answers, partners, and jobs. Locate developers who are certified on Adobe technologies. * Newsletters – Adobe Edge and Developer Connection Update Get the latest news on projects and techniques delivered right to your inbox. * Developer Desktop – An AIR application for Flex developers Stay on top of updates to the Flex bug base through automatic desktop notifications. * O'Reilly book discount Buy two O'Reilly Books, and get a third free, plus free shipping. For a limited time only. * Cookbooks Share, rate, or comment on coding solutions for Flex and Dreamweaver. * Developer forums Post questions and get answers from experts in the developer community.

The O'Reilly one seems especially good - and I'm definitely going to download the Developer Desktop.