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I just blogged about Spry 1.6, but today there are some very important updates on Labs:

  • Adobe ApolloAIR beta 2 - This is the #1 technology I really wish I had more time to play with. Now that the books are done I'm hoping to get to blog a bit more aboit it.
  • Flex 3 Beta 2 - Another very important release. Flex just seems to get better and better.
  • Adobe Media Player - this one is a bit unusual. I need to play with a bit more before I really comment on it. Anyone here play with it more and have an opinion?
  • Share - For this one I'll rip the description from the site: "Welcome to a preview of Adobe's latest online offering codenamed 'Share', a free web-based service that allows you to easily share, publish and organize your documents."