Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

It's done. Galleon 2 - a major update of my forums package, is now released. You can download it from RIAForge: http://galleon.riaforge.org

This version includes the following new features:

  • New logo by Murat Kgirgin.
  • Totally new Admin design and a CSS-ified version of the front end. This will make replacing the front end easier (and a new theme is in the works). Credit goes to Chaz Jachimski and Emmet McGovern at full city media. They donated the design and thanks go to them. (Especially for all the times I asked Emmet if he was done yet.)
  • Avatars. You can now upload an image for an avatar, or use your gravatar.
  • You can now edit your settings in the Admin.
  • BBML thanks to Depressed Press
  • New security system. You can now make truly private conferences.

There is a minor bug in the admin involving the filter option for theme/message lists. Bug as in you can't use it. Also - the Access database hasn't been updated to the new table schema, but hey, who uses Access anyway?

I hope to have my own forums updated next week.