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About a week ago something odd happened when I visited Adobe's kuler site. All of my applications went away. All of them. My dock went away and then returned. I noticed that not all of my apps returned to the top of my screen. It reminded me a lot of killing and restarting Explorer.exe in Windows. I removed Flash, reinstalled, and was able to hit Kuler. Yesterday though the same issue returned.

Now here is where it gets weird. I can verify in my processes that everything I was running was gone. I was running VMFusion at the time, streaming audio. The VMFusion application is gone from my dock - but the music still plays.

I just had it happen again. I'm not sure if it was a Flash site. I definitely wasn't on Kuler. But I had accidentally told Firefox to validate a page - so maybe that site was using Flash. (And to be clear, Flash seems to work just fine anywhere else.)

Has anyone else seen anything like this? It certainly isn't a gray screen of death. My machine seems fine now. But I'd definitely like it to stop.