Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

I just got an email from a reader who is interested in starting a CFUG (ColdFusion User Group). Surprisingly, this information was pretty easy to find on the Adobe site:

Start a User Group

If I can give one small piece of advice - consider your group an "Adobe User Group", not just a "CFUG". Unless your area is overflowing with ColdFusion developers, you need to open the group to multiple types of developers. As it stands - the group I attend (Acadiana AUG) is pretty design heavy, but I find it interesting to see other Adobe products in use that I don't get to interact with in my day to day work.

Edit: Just a quick note - if you want a personal contact as well, ping Ed Sullivan (esulliva AT adobe dot com). He personally assured me he would do anything possible to help you out, including handing out free IPods at your first meeting. (Ok, so maybe I'm stretching a bit... ;)