As a follow up to my earlier post on cleaning up old files, here is a modified version that zips and deletes. This would be very handy for log directories.
<cfset logdir = "/Applications/ColdFusion8/logs">
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#logdir#" name="files" type="file">
<cfset thirtydaysago = dateAdd("d", -50, now())>
<!--- get older files --->
<cfquery name="oldfiles" dbtype="query">
select name
from files
where datelastmodified < <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" value="#thirtydaysago#">
and upper(name) not like '%.ZIP'
<cfoutput>Out of #files.recordCount# files, there are #oldfiles.recordCount# to zip.</cfoutput>
<cfif oldfiles.recordCount>
<cfloop query="oldfiles">
<cfzip file="#logdir#/" source="#logdir#/#name#" action="zip">
<cffile action="delete" file="#logdir#/#name#">
This code is the exact same as the last version except for:
- I switched the thirtydaysago variable to actually be 50 days ago. This was just to give me a good dataset in my log directory. The date really isn't critical.
- My query of queries to get old files now also filters out any zips. Notice the use of upper. This ensures the case doesn't matter.
- I added the cfzip tag, a new feature of ColdFusion 8. Nice and easy, right?