Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Today I wanted to take a look at the logs for CFBloggers. I normally just use Google Analytics, but with CFBloggers being so Ajax-heavy, I was curious what the IIS logs would be like compared to Google. I downloaded the logs from the last two months and then realized I had no idea how to parse them. I used to have some decent tools for Windows, but didn't know of anything for OSX.

So I thought to myself, "Self - ColdFusion 8 reads files super quick, why not do it in CF?" I agreed with myself and decided to give it a go. It reminded me that one of the very first apps I wrote, back in 92ish, was a Perl app to parse web site log files.

To start off, I decided that I'd just parse one log file. I was going to make the code parse a directory of log files and use CFTHREAD, but shoot, I really just wanted to look at a day and see what it was like compared to Google. So I began with:

<cfset fileToRead = "/Users/ray/Desktop/cfbloggers logs/ex071219.log">

And then I had some coffee and came back two hours later. Next I wrote the meat of the code. First off - ColdFusion 8 makes it super easy to read in a file line by line:

<cfloop index="line" file="#fileToRead#">

Now how do you parse IIS? I looked at the file and noticed it began with a few lines that started with #. One of these lines was a 'header' line that defined the columns. So I began with logic that said: If start with #, ignore unless header line, and create a query otherwise.

<cfif left(line, 1) is "##"> <cfif findNoCase("##Fields:", line) is 1 and not isDefined("data")>

Data is the name of the query I'm going to create. Why bother checking it? Turns out IIS will rewrite the header info multiple times in the log file. I couldn't understand why my 5k line log file kept saying I had 200 requests. It was the multiple headers causing my query to recreate itself. In theory I'm thinking it's possible for IIS to change format mid-file, but I pretended that I didn't know that.

So once I find the line that begins with #Fields, I had to do some parsing:

<cfset cols = replace(line, "##Fields: ","")> <!--- iis has cols with - in it, change to _ ---> <cfset cols = replace(cols, "-", "_", "all")> <!--- also may have ...() ---> <cfset cols = replace(cols, "(","_","all")> <cfset cols = replace(cols, ")","_","all")> <cfset colArray = listToArray(cols," ")>

First off I remove the pretext. Next I change any - to _ since - isn't valid in a query column. Next I replace ( and ) with underscores. I create an array of my column names (even though I'll be using a list again in a bit) to make the code run a bit faster.

<!--- search for a col with trailing _, not critical, but nice ---> <cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#arrayLen(colArray)#"> <cfif right(colArray[x],1) is "_"> <cfset colArray[x] = left(colArray[x], len(colArray[x])-1)> </cfif> </cfloop>

This last bit of code simply looks for columns with an _ at the end. This represents an IIS header column named something(foo). I didn't like the dangling underscore so I cleaned it up. If I wanted to, I could also give nicer names to the IIS headers.

Lastly I create the query:

<cfset data = queryNew(arrayToList(colArray))>

Ok, so thats the first branch of the CFIF inside my file loop. The second branch simply parses the line based on the columns:

<cfset queryAddRow(data)>

<!--- begin parsing ---> <cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#arrayLen(colArray)#"> <cfset value = listGetAt(line, x," ")> <cfset col = colArray[x]> <cfset querySetCell(data, col, value)> </cfloop>

And that's it. I wrote a quick query of query to give me a report of my top files:

<cfoutput>Total number of requests: #data.recordCount#</cfoutput>

<cfquery name="test" dbtype="query"> select count(cs_uri_stem) as total, cs_uri_stem as page from data group by cs_uri_stem order by total desc </cfquery> <cfdump var="#test#" top="100">

It was here where I discovered that the silly little "stats" pod on CFBloggers got 4k hits yesterday (it auto-reloads). After finding that, I slowed down the reload to 240 seconds. Anyway, enjoy. If folks want to see an example using CFTHREAD, let me know.

Complete Code:

<cfset fileToRead = "/Users/ray/Desktop/cfbloggers logs/ex071219.log">

<cfloop index="line" file="#fileToRead#"> <!--- ignore lines with # in front ---> <!--- except for fields, which will help us define the query, and SHOULD come first ---> <!--- also, IIS tends to repeat, so if we have data already, ignore ---> <cfif left(line, 1) is "##"> <cfif findNoCase("##Fields:", line) is 1 and not isDefined("data")> <cfset cols = replace(line, "##Fields: ","")> <!--- iis has cols with - in it, change to _ ---> <cfset cols = replace(cols, "-", "", "all")> <!--- also may have ...() ---> <cfset cols = replace(cols, "(","","all")> <cfset cols = replace(cols, ")","_","all")> <cfset colArray = listToArray(cols," ")> <!--- search for a col with trailing , not critical, but nice ---> <cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#arrayLen(colArray)#"> <cfif right(colArray[x],1) is ""> <cfset colArray[x] = left(colArray[x], len(colArray[x])-1)> </cfif> </cfloop> <cfset data = queryNew(arrayToList(colArray))> </cfif> <cfelse> <cfif not isDefined("data")> <cfthrow message="#fileToRead# seems to be invalid. No Fields line found."> </cfif>

<cfset queryAddRow(data)>

<!--- begin parsing ---> <cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#arrayLen(colArray)#"> <cfset value = listGetAt(line, x," ")> <cfset col = colArray[x]> <cfset querySetCell(data, col, value)> </cfloop>

</cfif> </cfloop>

<cfoutput>Total number of requests: #data.recordCount#</cfoutput>

<cfquery name="test" dbtype="query"> select count(cs_uri_stem) as total, cs_uri_stem as page from data group by cs_uri_stem order by total desc </cfquery> <cfdump var="#test#" top="100">

p.s. It just occurred to me... I should consider writing an AIR app. :)