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In regards to my post yesterday on AIR and SQLite I thought I'd share two tools that can help developers.

I've been using a cool AIR based SQLite tool from Christophe Coenraets. You can find it here. It works rather nicely and I like that it has a 'history' feature since I always have trouble finding the exact location AIR stores my DB file. (I typically trace the nativepath of my File object when I forget.)

Then a commenter named Gareth pointed out that you can find a Firefox plugin as well. (About the only thing you can't do in a Firefox plugin is peace in the Middle East.) I installed the SQLite Manager today and it runs pretty well.

I'm not sure which tool I'll give preference too, and I'm sure there are others as well.

And lastly, if any AIR/SQLite experts out there want to help me with my date problem, let me know.