Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Thank you to everyone who continues to check in. More than one person has had a bad week, or has had setbacks, but I'm happy to see so many people still sticking to it. (From the original bunch, we still have a bit over 20 left.) Here are the stats:

Week 3 weight total: 5,930
Week 3 weight average: 247.08
Week 3 lowest: 181
Week 3 highest: 390
Biggest Loser (Pounds): Chad Gray (8 lbs)
Biggest Loser (%): Chad Gray ( 3.86 %)
Total Weight Lost: 49.5

Congrats to Chad. Once again I had a bad week myself - just losing one pound. But we adjusted the scale after a doctor's visit 5 pounds lower. So I adjusted all 3 weeks for me. I'm now at 227, which is awesome. My biggest issue now is exercise. My pushups kill me - but don't seem to be very effective anymore. My situps as well. I'm increasing everything, but it doesn't seem to be working yet. I guess that means they are actually working, but at the same time, I feel like I'm at the limit of my strength. So it's like I can't go more - and I can't get any benefit. Ugh.