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Hatem asks:

I have the following set of calls, currently hard coded: <cfif fileexists("#curpath##CaseStudy.getIMG1()#.jpg")>
<cffile action="delete" file="#curpath##CaseStudy.getIMG1()#.jpg">
<cffile action="delete" file="#curpath#thumbs\#CaseStudy.getIMG1()#.jpg">
<cffile action="delete" file="#curpath#small\#CaseStudy.getIMG1()#.jpg">
<cffile action="delete" file="#curpath#large\#CaseStudy.getIMG1()#.jpg">

As you can see, it calls getImg1 for each. I need to do this for images 1-4. How can I make it dynamic?

As with most things, there are multiple solutions. The most direct answer is to simply switch to cfinvoke. Assume you are in a loop and N is your loop counter, this will get the value you want:

<cfinvoke component="#casestudy#" method="getIMG#n#" returnVariable="image">

You would then use the variable image in your CFIF and your file deletes.

Another route would be to replace those 4 getImgN methods with one method that simply takes an index: getImg(n). I'd be willing to bet your 4 methods are extremely similar. Your CFC would be a bit cleaner if you switched up the API a bit. (This is my assumption however not having seen your entire CFC.)