Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

I updated Seeker a few minutes. This is my code that wraps Lucene functionality. If that sounds like a type of mouthwash to you - just think of Lucene as a search engine, much like Verity, except that Lucene is free and open source. It also runs just fine on OSX.

The updates I included in Seeker are just bug fixes, but pretty critical bug fixes. Later this week I hope to have the ColdFusion Administrator pages build in to make it even easier to use. I'll be mimicking the Verity admin UI (pretty much) but will also include a search tool (like my Verity one) that will let you search indexes directly from the administrator.

p.s. And while I have your attention - my work on wrapping SVNKit as a possible replacement for the front end SVN stuff for RIAForge is close to being done. I'll be releasing that code as well (most likely).