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I just pushed up another update to Seeker. I've begun to clean things up a bit. If you download the bits now you will actually see folders for the custom tags, docs, and demos. I've begun the docs, but right now it's just an intro paragraph. But the important thing is that the application is getting a bit more organized.

Functionality wise though the only change was a submission by AJ Mercer (with help from Mark Mandel, Mr. Transfer as I call em) to support searching multiple fields.

Coming up next are pushes in three main areas:

  • CFAdmin tool - this is the tool you will use in the Administrator to help manage your Lucene indexes
  • Indexing updates - being able to get information about indexes, and the ability to update/delete individual records in the index
  • Docs

Once this is done I'll consider it truly "1.0" and will start looking at testing performance, etc.