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Today I approved project number 500, yes, 500, for RIAForge. The 500th project was Yet Another ColdFusion CMS by Terrence Ryan. While not the most exciting name, it is the 500th project and Terrence will be getting some nice gifts from Adobe. These gifts include a copy of ColdFusion Standard and Flex Builder. (No gifts from me since I'm cheap. ;)

Thank you to all the project owners who have used the site and stuck with it through it's ups and downs. I really appreciate it, and obviously big thanks go to Adobe for funding the entire initiative.

For the stat junkies out there:
Total Active Projects: 500
Total Views: 4,741,310
Total Downloads: 279,451
Total Verified Users: 3,495
Updates in past 24 hours: 8
Unique Logins in past 24 hours: 39
New users in past 24 hours: 21

And not to turn this into a contest or anything, but I've been promised even larger presents for project 1000!