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Robert asks:

In anticipation of the greater role CFSCRIPT will play in CF9, how is the best way, and what are the best resources, for learning cfscript from scratch? And as always, thanks in advance!

First and foremost - and this is something Charlie Arehart tries to remind people of all the time - do not forget the excellent docs you get for free with ColdFusion. You can find an entire chapter on cfscript: Extending ColdFusion Pages with CFML Scripting Read it. And while you are there (and in this case 'you' is my way of saying all my readers, not you Rob) check out what else you may be missing from the 1k+ pages of CF documentation.

The next resource I'll point out is Michael Dinowitz's CFSCRIPT Tutorial. This is an old one, but it is worth checking out. Note - I had issues "seeing" the navigation. It is to the right of the main text.

Lastly, I'll recommend CJ's tutorial at EasyCFM: CFSCRIPT Intro / An Introduction to CFSCRIPT. I haven't actually read this one yet, but I know CJ and he knows his stuff. (And he puts his clothes away when he travels - how cool is that?)

If anyone else has any other recommended URLs, please share them.