Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

For those who are attending MAX this year, I wanted to share some news in regards to the ColdFusion Unconference. We now have what will be the final schedule going into MAX. You may notice a few open slots on Tuesday and Wednesday. We are keeping some space open to support discussions of things that crop up during MAX. So for example, if ColdFusion 9 stuff is revealed during one of the keynotes (maybe after the oh so exciting mobile preso where we hear, once again, that mobile will be real big real soon!*) we can add a session to discuss it. I've got a few speakers 'waiting in the wings' as well to fill those slots as well. Worse comes to worse, I think a general Q and A session, or code show and tell, could be quite fun as well. Oh, and we've got some schwag to give away as well, so I hope to see you there.

I've had a few people ask me if I had any idea of what kind of attendance this thing will get. I honestly have no idea. This is the first time I've participated in something like this, so I have no idea how well it's going to work (good I hope!) and how many people will attend.

If you do plan on attending MAX and participating in the ColdFusion Unconference, would you mind dropping a quick comment here?

* Yes, I'm joking. I do believe mobile will be huge. I know it's huge in Asia, everywhere else, etc. I just find it kind of funny that every year, we keep hearing how 'any day now' its going to explode here in the states as well. I'm sure Flash Me will be a huge part of that, and I hope no one on the Adobe Mobile team gets ticked. I tease because I love!