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Good morning everyone. I wanted to post a Day One summary last night, but unfortunately I was diverted by Anchor Steam until about 1 in the morning.

Outside of the keynote, which I blogged about yesterday, my entire day was spent at the ColdFusion Unconference. So far it's been great, and I hope people are enjoying it. It feels like an all day user group meeting and the topics and discussions have been great. The biggest hitch was that I misunderstood the food situation. Luckily I wasn't strung up for it, and Brian came to my rescue with a plate of food. (But let's be honest, most developers can probably miss a meal or two. ;)

I want to give a big thank you to the speakers from day 1: Charlie Arehart, Brian Rinaldi, Kevin Hoyt, Mark Kruger, Joshua Cyr, and Brian Meloche.

I'll be blogging from the second keynote later this morning. Supposedly we have some ColdFusion goodies coming out way!

p.s. I mentioned that Mike Relm opened the keynote yesterday. I was lucky enough to get a chance to meet him personally later on and yes - I gushed like a fan boy. I walked away with a signed CD and DVD. Woot!