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I don't blog about music too often here, but I figured this was a special case. I first heard of Officer Roseland when Brian Jones pinged me. He was using BlogCFC for their band blog so I asked for a sample of his music. He gladly obliged, and I was pretty impressed. Very much an indie band, reminding me a bit of the 80s, but more Pixies than synth pop. As a sample:

Today the band released their 4th album, Stimulus Package. Unlike other bands who release their music for free and sell physical CDs or other extras, Officer Roseland is doing something unique. When you ask to download their album, you can choose to either GIVE or TAKE. If you GIVE, the band will donate to a charity. If you TAKE, they will send you a dollar. Seriously. They will pay you to download their music.

I know zip about the music business so I have no idea how well this will work, but I can definitely recommend folks give their new album a try. (It sounds much more polished then the embedded video above.)