Tony "I Suck at Math" Weeg asked me this over IM and I thought it would be fun to share. (And I know Tony, so don't think I'm giving him too much crap - my math is pretty rusty as well!) Basically, he had a large query (cue that's what she said joke) and wanted to show every nth row. This can be done easily enough using a simple MOD operation. The MOD operation does division on two numbers and returns the remainder. So if you want to show every 5 rows, you want to know when: Current Row divided by 5 has a remainder of 0. Here is a quick example:
<cfset people = queryNew("name","varchar")>
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="342">
<cfset queryAddRow(people)>
<cfset querySetCell(people, "name", "Person #x#")>
<cfdump var="#people#" top="10">
This creates my fake query with 342 rows. I did a dump just to be sure it was that big.

I made my 'every N' logic dynamic using a variable:
<cfset nth = 6>
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#people.recordCount#">
<cfif x mod nth is 0>
And that's it. I've used code like this before with tables where you want to show N people per row. In general it is pretty easy, but you normally want to have a 'complete' last row. This involves recognizing where you ended and adding some blank cells to finish the table.
As an example:
<table border="1">
<cfloop query="people">
<cfif currentRow mod nth is 0>
<cfif currentRow neq recordCount>
<!--- remainder? --->
<cfif people.recordCount mod nth neq 0>
<cfset padding = nth - (people.recordCount mod nth)>
<cfoutput>#repeatString("<td> </td>", padding)#</cfoutput>
After each cell I see if I'm at the end of my row, and if so, add a closing tr. If I'm not totally done, start a new row. After the loop I see if I had a remainder and if so, padd the table with some empty cells and a closing tr.