Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Sean blogged last night about the end of his time at Broadchoice. Unfortunately, I too have to make the same announcement. Yesterday was my last day as a Broadchoice employee.

I guess I can say I've been pretty lucky. While at Broadchoice I got to work with an amazing team of people and I've been able to get comfortable with some new technologies (Railo, Hibernate, AIR, Groovy, jQuery, Transfer, Spring). My Flex skills, especially, finally got the kick up that I've needed for quite some time.

My immediate plans are to continue working for Alagad on a part time basis while beginning my search for full time employment. I've done the contractor thing before, and while it can be fun to jump from job to job, I'm really hoping to find an opportunity with a company where I can focus my skills.

I thought I wanted to say more here - but - I think I'm just going to wrap up. Time to get ready for my flight back home.