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This week I had a nice (email) conversation with Dave Dugdale. His question was:

I would like to detect if someone is using a proxy server when visiting my site. I found a script in PHP but I couldn't find one written in ColdFusion on Google or your site. Have you ever done one of these?

I certainly had not heard of such a beast, but I asked to see his PHP code. I mean, let's be real, anything written in PHP should be easier in ColdFusion, right?

Dave sent along the PHP code. I'm not sure if this is "good" code or not, but here it is:

<?php if ( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'] || in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'], array(8080,80,6588,8000,3128,553,554)) || @fsockopen($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 80, $errno, $errstr, 30) )

{ exit('Proxy detected'); } else // print the IP address on screen //echo ( getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') . ' Welcome 1' ); //echo ( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' Welcome 2' ); //echo ( @$REMOTE_ADDR . ' Welcome 3' ); //echo ( getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') . ' Welcome 4' ); echo ( ' Welcome 5' );

// start code

// if getenv results in something, proxy detected


I looked this over. The first thing I told him was that $_SERVER was most likely just a pointer to ColdFusion's CGI scope. Any place he saw that he could just switch it with CGI. For example:

<cfif cgi.http_x_forwarded_for neq "">

You could then simply add the 4 other CGI variables to the CFIF.

The inArray looks to be a simple "Does this value exist in the array". For that I suggested just using listFindNoCase.

<cfif listFindNoCase("8080,80,etc",cgi.remote_port)>

All together, I wrote this up as:

<cfif cgi.http_x_forwarded neq "" or cgi.http_x_forwarded neq "" or cgi.http_forwarded_for neq "" or cgi.http_client_ip neq "" or cgi.http_via neq "" or listFind("8080,80,6588,8000,3128,553,554", cgi.remote_port)> Proxy! </cfif>

This seems to work well. But the last clause makes no sense to me or Dave:

@fsockopen($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 80, $errno, $errstr, 30)

I'd guess fsockopen is analogous to CFHTTP, but as to what it is checking here, I have no idea. Anyone want to help complete the puzzle?