Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

First off - sorry for the downtime at RIAForge this weekend. I was out of town until yesterday afternoon, and just got time to work on it today. Turned out to be kind of a silly issue. The host had contacted the account owners (other people at Adobe) about a required IP update, and I never got the news. I've made sure they know to contact me from now on so something like this shouldn't happen again.

Oh... and is it just me - or is there a new category up at RIAForge? Obviously I can't talk much about it, so please don't ask me details here, but I was told to go ahead and set it up, so perhaps it's time to start getting real excited? Pay special attention to this project, especially the screen shots. In case it isn't obvious: Yes, that's browsing and downloading RIAForge projects direct from Bolt.