Hire Me! I'm currently looking for my next role in developer relations and advocacy. If you've got an open role and think I'd be a fit, please reach out. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

I'm blogging from a plane. Seriously. Ok, so it's not new - Wifi has been on a few planes now for a few months at least, but it's my first time. I met a fellow CFUNITED attendee and he shared a free pass, so not only if it Wifi in the Sky, but free wifi at that.

Anyway, please consider this my official Out of Office notice for the next few days as I attend CFUNITED. I'll be picking up a new session (to go with my 3 others) on Application.cfc development. That will be Wednesday at 1:30 PM. Michael Dinowitz couldn't make it so he asked if I could help him out. As I'm a glutton for punishment I quickly agreed. It may be a bit rough, but that just makes it more fun, right?

Anyway - I hope to see my fellow ColdFusion geeks in the next few hours and I can't wait for tomorrow! Please follow me on Twitter as I'll probably be using that a lot more than the blog this week.